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Uniform Policy / Dress Code

A student’s dress and general appearance should not be such that it draws undesirable attention to the student, nor should dress and appearance detract or interfere with teaching and learning in the classroom and on the campus. It is expected that all students shall maintain their person and clothing in a modest, clean, and age-appropriate fashion consistent with our dress code and compatible with the instruction program. In an effort to maintain a safe and secure school environment, high schools may issue schoolwide identification badges to their students, faculty and staff members. Schools will notify parents of the necessity and requirements of the policy.  Students shall wear clothing, footwear and groom themselves for school in a manner, which does not offend the rules of decency or reflect negatively on or detract from any phase of the educational program.

Note: Due to the fact that gang attire changes, the administration in consultation with law enforcement will determine definitions of what is gang-related.